Other calculating devices

Prices are in Euro. Shipping is not included. Shipping costs are the real costs according to the german post ofiice or within the EU a cheaper solution. I only ship with registered mail or insured mail.

If you want to buy one of these calculators or other calculating devices, please email me. I can also send you a list in Excel of what I have for sale including the prices.

I have sold more than 2000 items with Ebay, with a 100% feedback. I hope that will be sufficient to trust me. I can receive payments to my IBAN account or to my Paypal account. I will ship within 2 days after receipt of the payment

I can answer you in English, German ( Deutsch ), Spanish ( Espaņol ), French (Francais ) and Dutch ( Nederlands )
If you want pictures in a better resolution, don't hesitate to email me

brand and type category location price
  1K memory  computer 1 50
avon aftershavemiscelleniousV30
 ti avon avon aftershave miscellenious P SOLD

sinclair scientific programmable box ++ parts 5 8
 smurf pinSmurf calculator pin miscellaneousK1SOLD
 HP pin 1993Arthus Bertrand  HP Hewlett Packard pin miscellaneousK1SOLD
  unia mouse  miscellaneous 2 ask !
nixie tube NH-155 nixie tube NH155emiscellaneousK1
 nixie tube philips ZM1020nixie tube philips ZM1020miscellaneousK15
 nixie tube philips ZM1020nixie tube philips ZM1020miscellaneousK15

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