Calculator Collection

Pocket calculators

The collection contains the following items :

Braun ET22

braun et 22

Calcupen Calcu-pen


Casio FX-191

casio fx 191

Casio Micro Mini

casio micro mini

Faber Castell TR-1

faber tr1

Hewlett Packard HP-35 red dot

hp35 red dot

Hewlett Packard HP-27

hp 27

Hewlett Packard HP-29c

hp 29c

Hewlett Packard HP 20 series model

hp 20 series model

Keystone 2030

keystone 2030

Kiddy Computer 2

kiddy computr

Lego calculator


Olympia CD85

olymia cd 85

Panasonic 850

panasonic 850

Philips Executive

philips executive

Philips P-62

philips p62

Philips SBC-1745

philips sbc1745

Reactor TI-1250

reactor TI 1250

Rockwell The 24K II

rockwell the 24K II

Sharp EL-8

sharp EL8

Sharp EL-428

sharp el428

Sinclair Watch

sinclair watch

Sperry Remington 665

sperry 665

Tamaya NC-77 Ned Lloyd Colombo

tamaya nc 77 colombo

Texas Instruments USMC Harrier VSTOL/REST

ti texas Harrier

Texas instruments Galaxy 40x specially adapted for the blind

TI Texas Galaxy 40x blind

Texas Instruments TM990 computer

TI Texas TM990